If your payment method is failing to save or you are encountering an error message when trying to add your payment method, the following are possible reasons why this might be happening:
- Incorrect Credit Card Number Details: If you are trying to add a Credit Card please verify that all the numbers you have entered are correct, do not include any spaces or dashes. Note: If you are trying to add an American Express, the security code four-digit number is on the front of the card.
- Incorrect billing address: The billing address that you enter for this card must match the address on a bank statement exactly, down to every abbreviation and punctuation. This is how your bank verifies your card for the transaction you are attempting to process, so if it is incorrect it will not save.
- Payment Method Not Accepted: The payment method that you are attempting to use may not be accepted by your property manager. Please contact them directly to verify which payment methods you can use.
- International Billing Address: We only accept domestic chequing/checking accounts from within the country you are paying (Canada or the US). If you are attempting to add a checking account, your billing address must also be from the same country you are paying within.
- Payment Method is Already in Use: Delete the previous payment method and add the new payment method again.
Have more questions? Feel free to email us at help@let.us.
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