The Hosted Payment Page (HPP) offers a convenient way to make payments without needing to create a Letus account. Tenants utilize this link primarily for rent payments, and occasionally for security deposits.
To access HPP, your property manager must have it set up, and you'll need to use the specific link provided by them or Letus. The link will look like this:
By utilizing HPP, tenants without a Letus account can easily process their monthly rent payments through the provided link, eliminating the necessity of logging in to Letus for payment processing.
Once your Property Manager gives you the link, follow the steps below to process an HPP payment:
- Enter your first and last name, enter your email address, and then click Continue
- Select the corresponding property from the dropdown menu, enter the unit number you wish to pay for, and click Continue.
If you do not know the unit yet, please enter TBD - To Be Determined. - Select Charge Type from the dropdown menu and enter the amount. You may add an optional note.
- Once all charges are added, proceed to click Save and Continue
- Fill out your payment method details and click Continue
- Enter your phone number including your area code at the beginning. Click send code
- Enter the verification code and click continue
- Review your payment and ensure the details are all correct
- Click Confirm Payment to process the payment
- If the transaction is processed successfully, you will receive a confirmation email for the transaction.
- Tenants who make payments through HPP don't necessarily have a Letus account, but they have the option to create one. If they choose to create an account, they'll find that all previous payments made through HPP will only be reflected if they use the same email address that was used to process payments on HPP.
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